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Real life stories from North Dakotans

Aasen, Larry

Images of America: North Dakota. 

Arcadia Pub, 2000.

North Dakota Postcards, 1900-1930.  Arcadia Pub,  2000.


Albers, Everett C. and D. Jerome Tweton, eds.

The Way It Was: The North Dakota Frontier Experience. Grass Roots Press.

The Sod-busters. Grass Roots Press, 1996.

Norwegian Homesteaders. Grass Roots Press, 1998.

The Cowboys & Ranchers. Grass Roots Press,1999.

Germans from Russia Settlers. Grass Roots Press,1999.

Native People, Grass Roots Press, 2002.

The Townspeople, Grass Roots Press, 2003.


Anderson, Kathie Ryckman

Dakota: The Literary Heritage of the Northern Prairie State.  Univ. of  North Dakota Press, 1990.


Barbour, Barton H.

Fort Union and the Upper Missouri Fur Trade. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2001.


Biek, Robert F.

A Visitor's Guide to the North Dakota Capitol Grounds.  State Historical Society of ND, 1995.


Bluemle, John P.

The Face of North Dakota. 3d ed. Educational Series 26. ND Geological Society, 2000.


Casler, Michael M.

Original Journal of Charles Larpenteur: My Travels to the Rocky Mountains Between 1833 and 1872.  The Fur Press, 2007.


Chaky, Doreen

Terrible Justice: Sioux Chiefs and U.S. Soldiers on the Upper Missouri, 1854-1868.   The Arthur H. Clark Company, 2012.



Chambers, Lee

Fort Abraham Lincoln: Dakota Territory. Schiffer, 2008.


Conrad, Charles, and Joyce Conrad

 50 Years North Dakota Farmers Union. 1976.


Coomber, James, and Sheldon Green

Magnificent Churches on the Prairie.  ND Institue for Regional Studies,  1996.

Unwanted Bread: The Challenge of Farming and Ranching. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2000.


Cooper, Jerry, and Glenn Smith

Citizens as Soldiers: A History of the North Dakota National Guard.  Univ. of Nebraska, 2005.      


Corcoran, James  

Bitter Harvest: Gordon Kahl and the Posse Comitatus - Murder in the Heartland.  1995; rep., new foreword by Mike Jacobs, ND Institute for Regional Studies,  2005.


Daley, Janet, ed. 

A 'nicina'be Manido' minesikan: Chippewa Beadwork.  State Historical  Society of ND, 1996.

Birds and Mammals Observed by Lewis & Clark in North Dakota.  State Historical Society of ND, 1999.

Sacred Beauty: Quillwork of Plains Women. State Historical Society of ND, 1998.


Danbom, David 

Going It Alone: Fargo Grapples with the Great Depression.  Minnesota Historical Society Press,  2005.

Our Purpose Is to Serve: The First Century of the North Dakota Agricultural  Experiment Station. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1990.


Danbom, David, and Claire Strom

Fargo, North Dakota, 1870-1940.  Arcadia Publishing, 2002.


Drache, Hiram M. 

The Challenge of the Prairie.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1970.

The Day of the Bonanza: A History of Bonanza Farming in the Red River Valley of North Dakota.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1964.


Dregni, Eric 

Vikings in the Attic: In Search of Nordic America.  Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2011.


Dreyer, David, and Josette Hatter  

From the Banat to North Dakota; A History of the German-Hungarian Pioneers in Western North Dakota.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2006.


Duebbert, Harold F., ed. 

Wildfowling in Dakota, 1873-1903: Old-Time Duck and Goose  Shooting on the Dakota Prairies. Windfeather, 2003.


Geiger, Louis George 

University of the Northern Plains: A History of the University of North Dakota.  UND Press, 1958.


Geist, Troyd A. 

Faces of Identity, Hands of Skill: Folk Arts in North Dakota.  ND  Council on the Arts, 1997.

Sundogs & Sunflowers: Folklore and Folk Art of the Northern Great Plains. ND Council on the Arts, 2011. 


Glassheim, Eliot, ed. 

From the Wellspring: Faith, Soil, Tradition.  ND Museum of Art,  1999.


Gudmundson, Wayne, and Robert Silberman

The Promise of Water: The Garrison Diversion Project.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2002.


Hampsten, Elizabeth

Settlers' Children: Growing Up on the Great Plains.  Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1991.

Read This Only to Yourself: The Private Writings of Midwest Women, 1880-1910.  Indiana Univ. Press, 1995.


Handy-Marchello, Barbara

Women of the Northern Plains: Gender and Settlement on the Homestead Frontier, 1870-1930. Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2005.


Hargrove, Zachary

Abandoned North Dakota: Weathered by Time. Arcadia Publishing SC, 2019


Heidenreich-Barber, Virginia, ed.  

Aristocracy on the Western Frontier: The Legacy of the Marquis de Mores.  State Historical Society of ND, 1994.

North Dakota's Former Governors' Mansion: Its History and Preservation.  State Historical Society of ND, 1991.


Henke, Warren A., and Everett Albers

The Legacy of North Dakota's Country Schools. ND Humanities  Council, 1998.


Henke, Warren A.

Prairie Politics: Parties and Platforms in North Dakota: 1889-1914. State Historical Society of ND, 1974.


Hoag, Donald 

Trees and Shrubs for the Northern Plains.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1965.


Hoganson, John W. and Edward C. Murphy 

Geology of The Lewis and Clark Trail in North Dakota. Mountain  Press, 2003.


Howard, Thomas W., ed.

The North Dakota Political Tradition. Iowa State Univ. Press, 1981.


Howard, Joseph  

Strange Empire: Louis Riel and the Métis People. Lorimer, James & Co., 1974.


Hunter, William C. 

Beacon Across the Prairie, North Dakota's Land Grant College.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1961.


Isern, Tom

Custom Combining on the Great Plains: A History. Univ. of  Nebraska Press, 1987.


 Jenkinson, Clay S.

Becoming Jefferson's People: Re-Inventing the American Republic in the Twenty-First Century.  Marmarth Press, 2005.

The Character of Meriwether Lewis: Explorer in the Wilderness.  2000; rev. ed, Dakota Institute Press, 2010.

A Free and Hardy Life: Theodore Roosevelt's Sojourn in the American West.  Dakota Institute Press, 2011.

A Vast and Open Plain: The Writings of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in North Dakota, 1804-1806. State Historical Society of ND, 2003.


Johnson, Chuck

Wingshooter's Guide to North Dakota Upland Birds and Waterfowl.  Wilderness Adventure Press, 1997.


Kloberdanz, Timothy J., and Troyd A. Geist 

Folklore and Folk Art of the Northern Great Plains.  ND Council on the Arts, 2011.


Lamar, Howard Roberts

Dakota Territory 1861-1889: A Study of Frontier Politics.  1956; rep., ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1996.


Libby, Orin G., ed.

The Arikara Narrative of the Campaign Against the Hostile Dakotas, June, 1876.  ND Historical Collections, Vol. 6, 1920; rep., 1976; rep., Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1998.


Lindgren, H. Elaine 

Land in Her Own Name: Women as Homesteaders in North Dakota.  1991; rep., Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1996.


Littlefield, Robert 

Voices on the Prairie: Bringing Speech and Theatre to North Dakota.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1998.

Lysengen, Janet Daley, and Ann M. Rathke, eds.

The Centennial Anthology of North Dakota History.  State Historical Society of ND, 1996.


Martin, Christopher

Prairie Patterns: Folk Arts in North Dakota. ND Council on the Arts, 1989.


Morlan, Robert Loren

Political Prairie Fire: The National Non-Partisan League, 1915-1922.  1955; rep., 1974; rep., Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1985.


Murray, Stanley Norman

The Valley Comes of Age: A History of Agriculture in the Valley of the Red River of the North.  ND Institute for Regional Studies,  1967.


Newgard, Thomas P., William C. Sherman, and John Guerrero  

 African Americans in North Dakota. Univ. of Mary Press, 1994.


North Dakota Blue Books.  North Dakota Secretary of State, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005,  2007, 2009, 2011.


Norris, Jim

North for the Harvest: Mexican Workers, Growers, and the Sugar Beet Industry.  Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2009. 


Olstad, Geneva Roth

Main Street, North Dakota, volumes I and II.  Arcadia Publishing, 2000. 


Omdahl, Lloyd

Insurgents.  Lakeland Color Press, 1961.


Orser, Lori

Spooky, Creepy North Dakota. Schiffer Publishing, 2010.


Parsley, Jamie

Fargo 1957: An Elegy.  Published by the ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2010.


Ramberg, Patsy Knalson, ed.The Farm at Pony Gulch: Michael and Anna Sophia (Witt) Baier Come to America and Homestead in North Dakota, 1883-1926.   Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, NDSU Library, 2012. 


Rathke, Ann M.

Lady, If You Go Into Politics, Women Legislators,1923-1989.  Sweetgrass Communications, 1992.


Reid, Bill G.

Five for the Land and Its People. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1989.


Robinson, Elwyn B. 

History of North Dakota.  1966; rep., with new material by D. Jerome Tweton and David B. Danbom, ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1995.


Ronda, James P.

Lewis and Clark among the Indians. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1984.


Royer, Ronald

Butterflies of North Dakota. ND Institute for Regional Studies,  1986.


Schneider, Mary Jane

North Dakota Indians: An Introduction.  Kendall Hunt, 1994.

The Way to Independence. Minnesota Historical Society Press,  1987.



Seabloom, Robert

Mammals of North Dakota. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2011.


Severson, Keith, and Carolyn Hull Sieg

Nature of Eastern North Dakota: Pre-1880 Historical Ecology.  ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2006.


Shelby, Ashley

Red River Rising: The Anatomy of a Flood and the Survival of an American City.  Borealis Books, 2004.


Sherman, William C.

Prairie Mosaic: An Ethnic Atlas of Rural North Dakota. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1983. 


Sherman, William C., and Playford V. Thorson, eds.

Plains Folk: North Dakota's Ethnic History. ND Instiute for Regional Studies, 1987.


Sherman, William C., Paul L. Whitney, and John Guerrero

Prairie Peddlers: The Syrian-Lebanese in North Dakota.  Univ. of Mary Press, 2002.


Shoptaugh, Terry

Roots of Success: History of the Red River Valley Sugarbeet  Growers. ND Instiute for Regional Studies, 1997.

"You Have Been Kind Enough to Assist Me": Herman Stern and the Jewish Refugee Crisis. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 2008. 

They Were Ready:  The 164th Infantry in the Pacific War, 1942- 1954.  164th Infantry, 2010.


Snortland, J. Signe, ed.

A Traveler's Companion to North Dakota State Historic Sites. 2d ed.  State  Historical Society of ND, 2002.


Stevens, O. A.

Handbook of North Dakota Plants. ND Institute for Regional Studies, 1963.


Stock, Catherine McNicol

Main Street in Crisis: The Great Depression and the Old Middle Class on the Northern Plains. Univ. of North Carolina Press,  1992.


Tekiela, Stan

Birds of The Dakotas: Field Guide. AdventurePublications, 2003.


Utley, Robert M. 

Cavalier in Buckskin: George Armstrong Custer and the Western

Military Frontier. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1988; rev. ed., 2001.


Upgren, Jr., H. Ted   

Across the Wheatgrass. Windfeather Press, 1988.


VanDevelder, Paul 

Coyote Warrior: One Man, Three Tribes, and the Trial That Forged a Nation. Little, Brown, 2004.

Savages and Scoundrels: The Untold Story of America's Road to Empire through Indian Territory.  Yale Univ. Press, 2009.

(Educational resources for using Savages and Scoundrels are found here. )


Vogel, Robert  

Unequal Contest: Bill Langer and His Political Enemies. Crain Grosinger Publishing, 2004.


Vossler, Ron 

Horse, I Am Your Mother.  Simon Johnson Guild, 1988.


Vrooman, Nicholas, and Patrice Marvin, eds.

Iron Spirits: Germans from Russia Iron Crosses in North Dakota.  ND Council on the Arts, 1982.


Wilson, Gilbert L.

Waheenee, as told to Gilbert L.  Wilson

Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden: Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians. Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1987.


Wick, Douglas A.

North Dakota Place Names.  Sweetgrass Communications, 1988.


Wilkins, Robert P., and Wynona H. Wilkins

North Dakota: A Bicentennial History.  W. W. Norton, 1977.


Wills, Bernt Lloyd

North Dakota, The Northern Prairie State. Edward Brothers, 1963.


Woiwode, Larry

Words Made Fresh: Essays on Literature and Culture. Crossway, 2011.


Wood, W. Raymond

Prologue to Lewis and Clark: The Mackay and Evans Expedition.  The American Exploration and Travel Series, No. 79.  2003; rep., Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2005.


Wood, W. Raymond, ed.

Archaeology on the Great Plains. Univ. Press of Kansas, 1998. 

Twilight of the Upper Missouri River Fur Trade: The Journals of Henry A. Boller. State Historical Society of ND, 2008


Wood, W. Raymond, Joseph C. Porter, and David C. Hunt

Karl Bodmer's Studio Art: The Newberry Library Bodmer   Collection.  2002; rep., Univ. of Illinois Press, 2007.


Wood, W. Raymond, William J. Hunt, Jr., and Randy H. Williams

Fort Clark and its Indian Neighbors: An Upper Missouri River Trading Post. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2011.  


WPA Federal Writers' Project

The WPA Guide to 1930s North Dakota. American Guide Series. 1938; rep., 1950; rep., with new  introduction by Gerald C. Newborg and Marcia Britton Wolter, State Historical Society of ND, 1990.


Zempel, Solveig, ed. and trans.

In Their Own Words: Letters from Norwegian Immigrants.  Univ. of Minnesota, 1991.

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